OWS.EU Partner in Focus: Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) is the second partner we are introducing following our portrait of the University of Passau. The LRZ forms part of the BADW (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften), providing technical support and supercomputing power, delivers a robust infrastructure for the Open Web Index. The research team of LRZ is guided and supported by the chairman of the board of directors, Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller. The team includes Research and Information Management Team leader Megi Sharikadze, Research Data Management Team leader Stephan Hachinger, Research Managers: Shahab Khormali, Jirathana Dittrich and Nana Gratiashvili, Research Associates Mohamad Hayek and Stuart Gordon, and Communications Manager Anita Schuffert. The LRZ team has multiple functions: coordinates the project management and research activities, takes care of financial support to third-party program of the project, contributes to infrastructure work-package, actively participates in dissemination, communication and exploration measures as well as in topics such as governance, legal and ethical aspects of OpenWebSearch.eu.
Shahab Khormali is in charge of project management, with a primary focus on Cascade funding, also known as Financial Support for Third Parties (FSTP), activities to be tackled within the project. We asked him about crucial milestones thus far as well as the outlook for the last project period and beyond.
Please describe your tasks (LRZ) in the project. What is your field of expertise that you bring to the project?
Shahab: BADW-LRZ, as one of the foremost European computing centers, contributes to the OpenWebSearch.eu project in two key areas. The first is the technical domain, where, along with the other participating data centers in the consortium, we are responsible for providing a state-of-the-art storage and compute infrastructure. In this context, LRZ’s Research Data Management team, led by Dr. Stephan Hachinger, applies its expertise on developing and managing highly scalable, reliable and secure computing infrastructure, and supports the project in executing core services and storing core data products.
The second area concerns project management and coordination and communication. Within this framework, LRZ’s Research and Information Management (RIME) team, comprising experts in science management and communication and heading by Dr. Megi Sharikadze, leads the “Project Management and Coordination Office (PMCO)” and actively supports the “Open Web Search Ecosystem and Sustainability” and “Outreach and Communication” project goals.
In PMCO, the LRZ team works closely with the project coordinator and partners to oversee the overall project management. We together ensure that the project remains aligned with the project objectives, while progressing efficiently and successfully. We are responsible for delivering optimal project performance, managing resources efficiently, overseeing reporting, maintain effective communication and networking with the relevant stakeholders, supporting international cooperation, fostering innovation and capacity building. Additionally, we coordinate the entire process of third-party contributions, handling everything from the initial preparation and announcement of open calls to the evaluation, awarding, distribution of funds, and final closure of grants. The PMCO oversees that each step is carried out smoothly and efficiently, and maintains clear processes, especially, for continuous communication with all involved third-party partners.
How is the project progressing so far?
Shahab: The project is progressing very well being on track. We have achieved several key milestones, including the successful completion of the mid-term project review with extremely positive feedback from the reviewers. This also included the approval of all deliverables and milestones in the first periodic report. Furthermore, we conducted all three open calls for third-party contributors as planned. The selected third-parties have been successfully integrated into the project. Moreover, we are introducing the project to key stakeholders across Europe and enhancing the project’s visibility within the relevant networks and circles.
What are the challenges you are facing with regard to your tasks?
Shahab: My main task belongs to PMCO activities. In this context, I do not think we have faced any major challenges. However, one important topic for us and the consortium is the continuation of the project in the form of a follow-up project. This relates to our ecosystem and sustainability responsibilities. In this context, we are closely following up on this matter and actively working to address it by applying for and securing new funds.
Another challenge worth pointing out is establishing long-term and productive relationships with industrial stakeholders and policymakers. Engaging effectively with these groups and ensuring ongoing collaboration throughout the project is an area that requires continuous attention and improvement.
Which milestones do you plan to achieve in the next months?
Shahab: A key milestones in the coming months is the completion of the first group of third-party projects, meaning that all partners should timely finalize their projects, and submit their project reports. This will allow us to close these projects officially. In addition to this, we look forward to conducting the mid-term review for the second and third groups of third-party projects in March/April 2025. Another important consideration is that the new end date of the project (due to a six-month prolongation) must be integrated across all project tasks.
What makes the OWS project special?
Shahab: In my opinion, the OpenWebSearch.eu is special and important due to its focus on cutting-edge IT and internet search technologies, which are continuously evolving being highly dynamic. It brings together highly specialized partners with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technologies, ensuring innovation and tangible outcomes. Additionally, the involvement of third-party contributors adds diverse expertise, enriching the project’s outcomes.
Do you already have plans for the time after the project ends?
Shahab: Yes, we have plans for the continuation of the project’s themes and objectives beyond its end date, and we are actively pursuing new funding opportunities to continue the work.
Thank you for the interview!
Read more about LRZ: https://openwebsearch.eu/partners/leibniz-supercomputing-centre-lrz/