Entries by OWS.EU Team

Proceedings #wows24 are out

Organized by a committee of researchers of the OWS.EU consortium, the 1st “International Workshop on Open Web Search“ took place as a side event of #ECIR24. The hybrid workshop welcomed over 30 participants to discuss and workshop ideas for the future of #OpenWebSearch. A Keynote by Negar Arabzadeh from the University of Waterloo on “Evaluation […]

Is Google search getting worse? New resarch says yes.

Is Google search getting worse? Many people now have impression that the search engine behemoth is no longer returning as good results as it did a few years ago. If you search for computer accessories, for example, or want to find out about travel destinations, the search results are mainly links to commercial blogs or […]

Celebrating Europe Day 2024: A Call for Greater Collaboration and Digital Sovereignty

Today marks a significant moment in European history. On this day, we reflect on the signing of the Schuhmann Declaration in 1950, a pivotal event that fostered collaboration and peaceful relations between France and West Germany post-World War II, eventually expanding to include other European nations. This historic collaboration has shown us that unity is […]

„Re-orienting search engine research in information science” | JASIST Special Issue

The JASIST Special Issue on „Re-orienting search engine research in information science”, co-edited by Dirk Lewandowski, Jutta Haider, Olof Sundin, has now been published. It offers lots of reading material about Internet Search and Search Engines, including the article „Impact and Development of an Open Web Index for open web search“ that many OWS.EU consortium […]

Open Calls #2 and #3 are closed

The application deadline for Call #2 and Call #3 is closed. The 8.5 Mio Euro EU project on Open Web Search had launched new third-party calls, inviting researchers, innovators and computing centres to join the quest for a new Internet Search in Europe. More information on the calls: Call #2 and Call #3.

#wows2024: Cfp Deadline Extended for until 28 February

Until 28 February 2024, the information retrieval community is invited to hand in submissions of scientific papers and implementations of retrieval components for the first #wows24 workshop. Doctoral students, but also early-stage students such as Master’s and Bachelor’s students of computer science, information science, information retrieval and NLP are welcome to submit their scientific work and […]

8.5 Mio Euro EU project on Open Web Search launches new third-party calls – An invitation to researchers, innovators and computing centres to join the quest for a new Internet Search in Europe | Media Release

9 February 2024 | OpenWebSearch.EU – a consortium of 14 research partners – is once again calling for third-party project proposals to help building an open and independent Web Index (OWI) based on European values. Researchers, innovators and data centres are invited to submit their ideas until 4th April . Successful candidates can request funding […]

New Calls for Third-party Proposals and new Funding Round to be Launched in February 2024

OpenWebSearch.eu to launch open calls #2 and #3 soon, offering funding and onboarding to third-parties After Call #1 in March 2023 and the resulting successful onboarding of six third-party partners in November 2023, the OpenWebSearch.EU will call for proposals again in February: Calls #2 and #3 will invite researchers, innovators and data centres to submit […]