Proceedings #wows24 are out

Organized by a committee of researchers of the OWS.EU consortium, the 1st “International Workshop on Open Web Search“ took place as a side event of #ECIR24. The hybrid workshop welcomed over 30 participants to discuss and workshop ideas for the future of #OpenWebSearch.

A Keynote by Negar Arabzadeh from the University of Waterloo on “Evaluation of Information Access Systems in the Generative Era“ kicked off the day, followed by presentations and discussions.
 Eight papers have been selected with topics like “Assembling four Open Web Search Components“, “A Mastodon Corpus to Evaluate Federated Microblog Search“ and “Efficiently Scoring the Health-relatedness of Web Pages“ to name just a few.

The proceedings are out now and can be accessed here.

The workshop was organised and the proceedings were edited by:
Sheikh Mastura Farzana, German Aerospace Center DLR
Maik Fröbe, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Gijs Hendriksen, Radboud University
Michael Granitzer, University of Passau
Djoerd Hiemstra, Radboud University
Martin Potthast, Leipzig University
Saber Zerhoudi, University of Passau

Proceedings #ossym23 – 5th international Symposium on Open Search

The proceedings of the 5th International Open Search Symposium #ossym23 have been published Vol. 5 (2023): Proceedings 5th International Open Search Symposium #ossym2023, 4–6 October 2023, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Volume five of the Proceedings of the International Open Search Symposium 2023 summarises peer-reviewed articles and research results selected and presented at the Open Search Symposium 2023. […]

#ossym24 – Call for papers for 6th International Symposium on Open Search

6th International Symposium on Open Search #ossym24: Call for papers and demos is open until 23 March

In October 2024, the Open Search community will gather at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Garching near Munich for the 6th International Open Search Symposium. Papers on research and best practice projects can be submitted until 22 March 2024. For the sixth time, #ossym will provide a forum to discuss and further develop ideas and concepts of open internet search.

Organized by project partners Open Search Foundation and hosted at LRZ, the International Open Search Symposium will  take place as a hybrid conference from 9 to 11 October 2024.

The call for papers and demos is aimed at a wide range of experts – invited are, among others, researchers and speakers from research and informatics, data centres, libraries, technology companies, politics, education as well as legal, ethical and societal thought leaders.

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#wows2024: Cfp Deadline Extended for until 28 February

Until 28 February 2024, the information retrieval community is invited to hand in submissions of scientific papers and implementations of retrieval components for the first #wows24 workshop. Doctoral students, but also early-stage students such as Master’s and Bachelor’s students of computer science, information science, information retrieval and NLP are welcome to submit their scientific work and implementations.

Mentoring for the practical part of submitting (parts of) retrieval pipelines is offered by the organisation team to (early-stage) participants (e.g., bachelor/master students).

The International Workshop on Open Web Search #wows24 will take place in Glasgow on 28 March 2024 (co-located with ECIR 2024). It will provide a forum to discuss and develop ideas and concepts to open up the web search ecosystem.


Find more information about the workshop and how to participate on the website:

#wows2024 International Workshop on Open Web Search announced – Call for papers and software is open

The first International Workshop on Open Web Search #wows24 will take place in Glasgow on 28 March 2024.

Organised by the community and co-located with the #ECIR2024 conference, the first #wows workshop calls the information and retrieval and Open Web Search community. Especially doctoral students, but also early-stage students such as Master‘s and Bachelor‘s students of #ComputerScience, #InformationScience, #InformationRetrieval and #NLP are welcome to submit their scientific work and software implementations. The organisation team offers #mentoring for the practical part of submitting to early-stage #students such as master’s and bachelor’s students.

Submitted can be scientific papers and implementations of retrieval components for the first #wows24 in Glasgow:
Submitting period for papers starts in January 2024.
Submission for software components is already open.

Find more information about the workshop and how to participate on the website:

NGI Forum 2023 Brussels – Recap and Recordings

In November, the #NGIForum23 took place in Brussels. With a focus on Digital Commons, the gathering brought together thought-leaders, policy makers, researchers and innovators in an inspiring event to discuss an open, more secure and citizen-centred internet of the future.

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Recap #ossym23 – relive the 5th international Symposium on Open Search at CERN

In October, Researchers, Tech experts, Political Representatives and Industry Executives came together to discuss about the foundations of a human-centric, transparent and open web search at CERN in Switzerland.

The team of the Open Search Foundation has prepared comprehensive reviews of all three days Read all about the keynotes and presentations – including pictures

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Proceedings #ossym22 – 4th international Symposium on Open Search

The proceedings of the 4th International Open Search Symposium #ossym22 have been published.

Vol. 4 (2022): Proceedings 4th International Open Search Symposium #ossym2022, 10–12 October 2022, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Volume two of the Proceedings of the International Open Search Symposium 2022 summarises articles and research results selected and presented at the Open Search Symposium 2022.

The proceedings are freely available and can be accessed via the following sources:

Direct link to pdf file:

ISSN: 2957-4935

ISBN: 978-92-9083-646-9


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