“Missing Link: Open web index to make Europe independent in searching” | heise online

“With a publicly viewable source code, I can learn and, more importantly, verify exactly what the search engine is storing about me” – Wolfgang Sander-Beuermann from Suma e.V., a project partner of openwebsearch.eu, and many other voices of the OpenWebSearch.EU’s project resp. of the Open Search Community have their say at heise online.

Find the article at heise online (German):

“Starnbergers against Google power: How the Open Search Foundation wants to change the internet” | Merkur

In the German daily “Merkur”, Christine Plote and Dr Stefan Voigt, board members of the Open Search Foundation, one of openwebsearch.eu’s project partners, talk about Open Search and the EU project openwebsearch.eu. Read more

“Another attempt to create a European Google: the Czech Republic joins OpenWebSearch ” | Lupa.cz

“In Europe, more plans are afoot to create a local web search engine that would weaken the dominant Google. In September, the OpenWebSearch project was set in motion, involving fourteen European research and supercomputing centres. Among them is the Czech national supercomputing centre IT4Innovations in Ostrava. However, Germany holds the majority role in the project.”

Read the full article “Další pokus o vytvoření evropského Googlu: do OpenWebSearch se zapojuje i Česko” at Lupa.cz:

“Europe builds its own internet search engine” | OI Canadian

OI Canadian | 21 September 2022

“The OpenWebSearch.EU project is working on a European alternative to Google in the field of online search To foster an open and human-centric search engine market”

Read the full article at OI Canadian:

“Europe builds its own internet search engine” | Tiroler Tageszeitung

Tiroler Tageszeitung | 28 August 2022

“The European answer to Google and Co. should be more open and at the same time better protect privacy. Austrian researchers are also involved.
Google, Microsoft Bing, Baidu, Yandex – the search for information on the internet is dominated by only a few private providers. With the support of the EU’s Horizon Europe funding programme, a European alternative to the market-dominating providers is to be developed. 14 research and computing centres in Europe are working on the large-scale project – from Austria, the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TU Graz is involved, the university announced.”

Read the full article at Tiroler Tageszeitung (German):

“EU researchers want to revolutionise search on the internet” | Niederösterreichische Nachrichten

Niederösterreichische Nachrichten | 24 August 2022

“Google, Microsoft Bing, Baidu,Yandex – the search for information on the internet is dominated by only a few private providers. With the support of the EU’s Horizon Europe funding programme, a European alternative to the market-dominating providers is to be developed. 14 research and computing centres in Europe are working on the large-scale project – from Austria, the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TU Graz is involved, the university announced on Wednesday …”

Read full article “” (German): https://www.noen.at/in-ausland/suchmaschinen-eu-forscher-wollen-suche-im-internet-revolutionieren-deutschland-forschung-online-medien-software-steiermark-333598881

“Digital sovereignty: EU project for independent web searching” | alphagalileo

Article on AlphaGalileo (paywall):

“Searching the Internet – European researchers want to break Google monopoly” | Kronenzeitung

Kronenzeitung | 24 August 2022

“Google, Microsoft Bing, Baidu, Yandex – the search for information on the internet is dominated by a few private providers. Google in particular has a near-monopoly with more than 87 per cent market share on smartphones. With the support of the EU’s Horizon Europe funding programme, a European alternative to these market-dominating providers is now to be developed. Fourteen research and computing centres in Europe are working on the large-scale project – the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at Graz University of Technology is involved from Austria.”

Read the full article “Suche im Internet Europäische Forscher wollen Google-Monopol brechen” (German):

More privacy, fewer ads: European universities join hands for alternative search engine | Scientias

Scientias | 20 August 2022

“An alternative to Google, without the annoying ads and while maintaining privacy, it is something we all want but do not think possible. Or is it perhaps possible? European research centers are going to make a joint attempt.”

Article with an interview of Arjen de Vries.

Read the full article at Scientias (Dutch):

“European project OpenWebSearch.EU launched: European infrastructure for web search” | Kooperation International

“Over the next three years, more than 75 scientists will be researching the core of a European Open Web Index (OWI) as the basis for a new web search in Europe. The aim of the programme is to push back the dominance of non-European internet corporations, such as Google or Microsoft. The project is funded by the European Commission to the tune of 8.5 million euros as part of the Horizon Europe project.”

Read the full article “Europäisches Projekt OpenWebSearch.EU gestartet: Europäische Infrastruktur für die Websuche” here (German):