NGI Forum 2023 Brussels – Recap and Recordings
In November, the #NGIForum23 took place in Brussels. With a focus on Digital Commons, the gathering brought together thought-leaders, policy makers, researchers and innovators in an inspiring event to discuss an open, more secure and citizen-centred internet of the future.
The conference featured a rewarding mix of keynotes, workshops and panel discussions. An important part was also the presentations of the NGI Impact Stories, showcasing exceptional contributions from NGI innovators.
Keynotes on the importance of Europe for the internet
Among the keynote speakers was Roberta Viola, Director General of DG CONNECT, European Commission, reflecting on the evolution of the internet and its impact on society as well as highlighted the initial democratic vision of the internet as a platform for shared knowledge and individual empowerment.
Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France, emphasised the importance of Europe as the birthplace of the digital revolution. His presentation focussed on the importance of digital commons and the need for Europe to protect and support them. He began by highlighting Europe’s historic contribution to digital technologies and emphasised the role of open, public infrastructure, free software and open data in promoting democracy and economic prosperity.
Expert panel discussion on Open Web Search and Large Language Models
The conference also featured a major panel discussion on “Open Web Search, Large Language Models and Beyond” with Georg Rehm (DFKI), Isabell Claus (, Milena Sokolic (Trace Labs), Alexandre Zapolsky (LINAGORA) and Michael Granitzer (University Passau and Moderated by Christine Plote, board member of the Open Search Foundation, the renowned experts discussed challenges and opportunities in the landscape of (open) web search, AI, and large language models, and looked at the importance of openness, transparency, and collaboration. → You can watch the panel session online here.
At a workshop on #EthicsinSearch, Alexander Nussbaumer of’s project partner Technische Universität Graz, explained the basic ethics methodology. Plus lots of good talks and interesting meetings with members of fellow NGI – The Next Generation Internet projects.
All keynotes, impact presentations and panels available online
Day 1:
Day 2:
NGI Impact Stories: