Title page of "Market potential assessment of a European Open Web Index Exploring the economic and societal impact"

Presenting the first Market Feasibility Study on a European Open Web Index

In the light of “Free Web Search Day” on 29 September, OpenWebSearch.eu and its partner Open Search Foundation present the results of a 9 month long in depth market potential study*, focussing on the economic impact of an Open Web Index for Europe.

The Munich based consulting firm Mücke Roth & Company, who was selected as a OpenWebSearch.eu third-party partner in 2023, was commissioned with a study to investigate the macro-economic as well as the societal implications of a European Open Web Index, as currently developed by OpenWebSearch.eu.

On 30 September 2024 the final study results will be presented to the public for the first time. The presentation will be hosted by OpenWebSearch.eu consortium partner Open Search Foundation alongside Mücke Roth & Company and with the kind support of the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt in Munich.

The study is available for DL via the following link:


Methodology and Findings

By employing both top-down and bottom-up analysis methods, the study quantifies the presumable benefits and costs, offering a robust framework for transparent decision-making for OpenWebSearch.eu and its stakeholders.

Applications of an Open Web Index were derived in a broad variety, and over various industries. Use cases were detailed for a more tangible understanding of benefits from the Open Web Index for different customer and user segments, which could help to showcase the index potential in certain industries and for respected stakeholders.

The cost-benefit evaluation has specifically shown that an open search infrastructure on the basis of an Open Web Index is expected to amortise in the fourth year. The report forecasts a considerable macro-economic benefit of 4 to 5 billion euros in the first decade.

For anyone interested in learning more, the presentation will be streamed online. Sign-up here:



*The study was funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, granting authority.
Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.