Entries by ows.eu Team

The economic value of a European Open Web Index could amount to billions | Media Release

A comprehensive market feasibility study reveals: huge socio-economic potential of OpenWebSearch.EU within first 4 years and beyond Starnberg, August 24 – Innovation and economic growth in Europe increasingly depend on digital sovereignty and direct access to open data. The Open Web Search project OWS.EU was set up between 14 consortium partners from IT, research and education with […]

Index intended to demonstrate alternatives to Google I Tagesspiegel.de

OWS.EU got introduced in a recent article in German online magazine Tagesspiegel.de The magazine that counts 386.000 daily readers provides information across a wide range of topics including politics, economy, digital technologies, society and culture.  On 9 August an article by journalist Stefan Mey titled “Index intended to demonstrate alternatives to Google – A quest […]

Events worth attending this autumn!

While we are still enjoying the sunny, hot summer days, we are also preparing a couple of interesting autumn events surrounding topics such as free & open web search (our main topic), open data and AI, as well as fundamental rights in the context of open web search and data protection. We invite you to […]

“The dream of an open search engine” I Spektrum.de

OpenWebSearch.eu was portrayed in German science magazine Spektrum.de  Read our short summary of the article highlighting the project goals and milestones: The article is titled „The dream of an open search engine“. What follows is a thorough look into why Europe desperately needs a web index of its own and how the OWS.EU project that […]

New project “Privacy-enhancing digital infrastructures” (PriDI) launches

At the interface between law and business informatics, the PriDI project is researching how an open web index can be designed in conformity with fundamental rights and in such a way that it protects privacy. This includes how values such as privacy and data protection can be anchored in such a web index in the […]

“Join the drive for a new open European infrastructure for web search” I CORDIS

The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission’s primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation, from FP1 to Horizon Europe. OWS.EU – as Horizon Europe project – is currently calling on third-parties to contribute innovations and infrastructure to help further develop […]

“People to Watch: Dieter Kranzlmüller” I HPCwire

“The OpenWebSearch.eu project and the Open Search Foundation — both founded and based in Europe — come from a background of open source, open data, open access, and open science. These values have always resonated with my academic career, but of course also with LRZ as an institution“, says Dieter Kranzlmüller – Chair of the […]

„It takes plenty of little Davids“ I Agoratalk

The OpenWebSearch.eu project was mentioned in a recent Agoratalk podcast episode featuring Christine Plote – Chairwoman at the Open Search Foundation which is one of the fourteen OWS.EU consortium entities. The title of the episode was “Ethics in the digital space. Alternatives instead of regulation on the net”. Together with podcast hosts Daniel Höche and […]

“Funding of up to 150,000 euros“ | Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

The German research outlet idw (Informationsdienst Wissenschaft) is the go-to news platform for staying up to date on cutting-edge science updates, publications, projects and topics. The members-centric platform caters to more than 43,000 subscribers.  With ows.eu consortium partner “University of Passau” being an active member, idw shared about the recent OWS.EU Third-Party Open Calls 2 […]